Stuart Dougal !!!! i think your Apron's showing

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Joe O'Rourke
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Stuart Dougal !!!! i think your Apron's showing

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Thu May 21, 2009 3:52 pm

If as Dougal claims the Sportsmans Dinner he was a guest speaker at had nothing to do with the Mason's, then why did he pull out ??, i dont profess to know too much about this secret service, except, aprons, gloves and un-natural acts with animals springs to mind, i also know when i worked in the Shipyards, all the Managers and 99% of the Foremen were in it, i dont think i know of any Celtic fans being part of it, although a few shallow minded people tried to join with a view to getting promotion in the Yards, needless to say they got blackballed.
We all know where Dougal's allegiance lay, he showed us on quite a few occasions what he thought of Celtic FC, his treatment of Neil Lennon was a disgrace, i remember Willie Haughey telling me when he was a Celtic Director, that the Mason in the Black had taken the huff because Willie refused to get Rod Stewarts autograph for Dougals wife, i actually think that would have been a good swap, he told Willie "your mob will get nothing from me", i, and he's kept his promise.
Maybe the biggest laugh of all is, the Larhall mobs past master Bruce Brownlie saying that the masons are non-sectarian, if thats the case, why hasn't Billy Mc Neill or Bobby Lennox or John Fallon been invited to speak ??, dont forget this is the town where a chemist shop had to change its front shop colours, where the electricity boxes had to be painted blue, wire covers had to be put over the green traffic lights, and even the mighty Asda shopping empire had to consider its colours.
Once again only in secular Scotland, still at least they have Craig Brown to sell their tickets for them, remember him who got caught singing the Sash down the phone to his girlfriend, i ask you ?? "girlfriend" when is that mug going to grow up ??.

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Re: Stuart Dougal !!!! i think your Apron's showing

Postby max » Fri May 22, 2009 7:58 pm

One name Joe.

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Joined: Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:25 pm

Re: Stuart Dougal !!!! i think your Apron's showing

Postby max » Fri May 22, 2009 8:09 pm

Lest we forget.
Proven in a court of law.

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